Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Busy Week!

Lots to share with everyone!

Let's start where I left off... Jen came in about a week and a half ago, and we had a blast! She made dinner for us one night (yes, that's right, the guest made me dinner in my own house) and let me just say, that it was delish! I was questioning her at first, but it was great. I'm learning to step out of my box and try new things even if I don't think I will like it, because most of the time, I end up liking it. We went to Charlotte on Friday and hit some scrappy stores down there and ate lunch with her sis. We actually did do some scrapping while she was here, too! Here's proof:

And we can't forget the famous "two thumbs up"! LOL

(Poor Amber was so confused...)

Two thumbs up for laptops:

That Sunday, we went to the family reunion up in the mountains. We always have so much fun seeing everyone. Well, let me clarify that a little... there are some people up there that I only see once a year, at the reunion, and then there's my real family. (Does that sound bad?) Those are the ones that I wish lived closer so that I could see them more often. Anyway... here's some of my fave pics from the reunion.

OMG, how much does my camera ROCK?!?! I can't believe I took this. Granted, I took about 5,000 pics of butterflies, but still. My camera rocks and so do I.
And here is Mackenzie after our butterfly-chasing session. She finally caught one. Don't worry, no butterflies were harmed that day.

Here's me and Mackenzie and some cousin I didn't know I had in the creek. It was such a fun day pretending like I was their age again. Unfortunately, I'm sad to say that I didn't catch a salamander like I used to. I was the bomb... what happened?

And here's a kind of blurry one because my hubby didn't listen to me when I said, "baby, don't use that lens. It makes everything blurry."... Oh, well. Maybe one day he will learn to listen to me.

And one more of Mackenzie from when we went on a trip around grandma's old house with our cameras.

And I never loaded pics of my FAB birthday cake. Yea, that's right. I'm still talking about it.

Anyway, here's a couple more LO's I've done since Jen left... I had the mojo left for a couple days... or at least I like to think so.

So school is starting back next week. I'm kind of looking forward to it, just because that's how I always get when it's time for school after summer break. And even though I did take a class this summer, it was really short and I've been off for about 2 months now. I feel like I'm ready, but let's give that about 2 weeks or so and I'll be back to, OMG, I don't wanna do this... I have to remember it's for the greater good, though. I really don't care about these classes for my RN-BSN because, well, I'm already a nurse. But I have to do this to get to the next step. Which, hopefully will be grad school next fall. But first, I must make it through statistics. I have been dreading this class FOREVER!!! Anyone wanna tutor me? Or just take it for me...? It is online! :)

I have one more project I did when Jen was here, but it's way too many pics to load right now. And btw, does Blogger hate me? Why doesn't it make my pictures big if you click on them? Am I doing something wrong?

1 comment:

Chez said...

OMG you need to e-mail me two thumbs up pics!!!!!!!!!

I dunno why blogger hates you dude:( Are you coming in Dec or what!?

the randomness that is deah... thoughts, ponderings, and musings... with some scrapping thrown in